In this economy, every penny counts and this means being smart about how you manage your money. One tool that you probably can’t afford to miss out on is a high yield savings account or HYSA for short. High yield savings accounts have been around forever. But...
Car insurance premiums can add up, but coverage is often required in most states. Depending on your state, you’ll need to have a certain amount of liability insurance at minimum. This provides coverage to pay for the other person’s vehicle or medical...
Groceries are a necessity, but they keep getting more and more expensive these days. While we can’t control the cost of our groceries or eggs (I really wish we could), we can find ways to save money on this weekly expense while still enjoying the foods and...
Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans with a checking account are paying banking fees costing an average of $24 per month? That’s $288 per year which may not seem like much, but it’s actually a lot to spend on fees. This money could probably be best used...
As an adult, filing your taxes can be a stressful experience. As a result, some people opt to outsource the job to professionals or use tax preparation software. But if you’re looking for a more convenient–and less expensive–solution, consider filing your taxes...