Have you ever gotten a large paycheck and thought about saving part of it? Most people don’t. The lure of having a lot of money just sitting in your checking account is just too much. It wants to move out of there. Savings accounts help limit that. By putting money...
The burden of student loan debt is not letting up as more and more college students and graduates struggle to maintain the burden of their debt. It’s true, student loans can be extremely helpful when it comes to studying a topic you’re interested in and earning a...
When I first started my freelance writing business in July 2014, I had no idea that I had the potential to make my freelance business my full-time job. I really started out only to supplement my income so I could make extra progress on my financial goals –...
Hello #MoneyChat’ers! So glad to have former Dove model, serial entrepreneur & my friend Kathy Zucker on #MoneyChat! A former marketing director, Kathy Zucker has founded four startups. From a product that went to #1 on the Amazon bestseller list to an...
I’m picky about the systems that I use for my business, and I try to only use business tools that help me work faster, better, smarter! I’ve learned by trial and error what are some of the best and I’m sharing them below! Check ’em out!! ...