Hosting A Holiday Party Without Going Broke! #MoneyChat

by | Personal Finance

A lot of times, we commit to something months in advance and then when it comes time to do it, we almost wish we hadn’t. This often happens with holiday parties. It sounds good in October when things are light and you are excited about the upcoming festivities, but as more and more piles on your plate, it seems daunting as party time gets closer.

I absolutely love hosting holiday parties but am not a fan of going broke to do it. Over the years, I’ve learned how to enjoy the holiday season without tapping out financially. If you love the holidays like I do and want to have an economical gathering, here are a few things I do each year that you can try, too.

I Get Started Early

I try to plan holiday parties months in advance. By planning, I’m able to shop for the things I need a little at a time versus all at once. I learned the hard way that waiting until the last minute is no fun, adding stress to my mind and my wallet.

I Plan My Spending

I make a list of everything I’ll need, from groceries to decorations and any small gifts I’d like to share. I include how much I want to spend in each category. Once I reach that limit, I’m done.

Original article published on Go Banking Rates.

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