Save Money Around the House with These Tips

by | Home Ownership, Personal Finance

Money seems to go fast when you’re not keeping track of it and actively utilizing ways to save. We’re often quick to tell ourselves there’s no money left in our budget to save which isn’t always true. If you want to save money around the house, there are quite a few easy things you can start doing regularly to stretch your dollar.

Check Your Fridge

After realizing how much food waste I’d have each month, I got into the habit of checking my fridge weekly. This has been very helpful when it comes to planning meals and grocery shopping tips.

Just take a few minutes to look through your fridge and cabinets and take an inventory. This will help you avoid buying the same thing over and over and let you know what you have to work with when it comes to planning meals.

Eat Fresh and At Home

Eating fresh and cooking most of your meals is also a great way to save money at home. It’s no secret that dining out is expensive, but so is buying pre-made food at the grocery store.

Stick to buying fresh, whole food in its natural state and preparing simple meals using recipes that aren’t time-consuming. This will be healthier for you too since processed foods can be filled with preservatives.


It’s good to recycle because it helps the environment but it also helps your wallet too. Instead of throwing out old items, you can sell them instead. You can also sell scrap metal locally for extra cash.

Freecycle is a network of groups that post items they wish to get rid of or recycle. If you can’t sell your items, you can always donate them instead.

Make Your Own Laundry Detergent

If you find yourself doing laundry almost every day, especially with a lot of us being home more, odds are you’re spending a lot on detergent and supplies. You can make your own laundry detergent to get more bang for your buck. All you need is some borax, washing soda, and laundry bar soap. I’d LOVE to see your pics if you try this! LOL.

Air Dry Clothes

After you start making your own laundry detergent, why don’t you air dry your clothes as well? Yes, it’s old-fashioned but help lower your utility bills especially during the summer. #MoneyChat founder Dorethia used to do this growing up in the South.

Do Your Own Home Maintenance

Homes need a lot of maintenance. While there are some things you’d probably rather outsource, there are others that you can do on your own to save money. For example, my family and I do our own landscaping and my husband fixes small things around the house.

When we bought our house, we also did the painting and touch ups ourselves. Instead of looking at it like a time-consuming chore, we approached it as a fun family activity.

Watch TV For Free

If you spend a lot of money on cable or streaming services, you might want to try watching T.V. for free for a bit to save money around the house. There are so many legitimate ways to watch T.V. for free especially if you have a solid internet connection.

You can order a digital antenna on Amazon to get some basic channels on your T.V. You can also stream content on YouTube. There are some great free YouTube shows and channels that are more entertaining than most of the stuff on cable. Also, some of your favorite television networks may provide unlocked episodes for some of their shows on their website. It’s worth looking into.

Use Online Bill Pay

The internet has provided us with so much convenience. I find that some days, I hardly ever leave the house and it’s nice. I get to work online, shop online, and can even pay bills and manage my bank account online.

Setting up automatic bill pay or paying your bills online can even help you save money by avoiding unnecessary fees and late charges.

Have a Staycation

If you can’t afford a vacation right now or would just prefer to save the money anyway, consider having a staycation right at home. You can plan a few days where you relax and act as if you were on vacation. You can play tourist in your local area or take a day trip to a larger city that’s nearby.

At the end of the day, you can go back to your own home to rest for free without having to spend money on a pricey hotel.

The next time you wonder whether or not you can save money and free up room in your budget, consider some of these ideas. It’s clearly possible to save lots of money without leaving the house or putting in a ton of extra effort.

How do you save money around the house? What’s your favorite way to save?

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