Most people who have credit cards know that getting into debt is a slippery slope. According to a recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1 in 5 Americans are maxed out on their credit cards due to rising prices and higher interest rates. Credit card...
The Debt-to-Income Ratio Calculation
When you apply for a new loan, the lender looks at a few major factors to decide if you’re a good candidate. The first is your credit score and the second is your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). Your DTI tells lenders if you can afford the loan. If it’s too high, you’re...
How to Free Up More Money in Your Budget to Pay Off Debt
Want to free up more money in your budget to pay off debt? Here are 6 easy ways to lower your expenses in order to put more money toward debt.
Top 3 Reasons To Be Debt Free
We’ve been hearing since last year that a recession is coming. Things seem good though. There are more jobs and people are spending money. Recession, smession! Well, recessions generally follow the good times. It’s that up and down roller coaster ride our economy is constantly on!
Motivate Yourself On Your Debt Repayment Journey
Hello #MoneyChat’ers! I’m so happy to be sharing my personal finance expertise with you all. One of the biggest financial issues that people have trouble dealing with is managing and paying off debt. I know all too well because I’ve been there and found a way to break...
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End-of-Year Financial Checklist
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