Hosting A Holiday Party Without Going Broke! #MoneyChat

Hosting A Holiday Party Without Going Broke! #MoneyChat

A lot of times, we commit to something months in advance and then when it comes time to do it, we almost wish we hadn’t. This often happens with holiday parties. It sounds good in October when things are light and you are excited about the upcoming festivities, but as more and more piles on your plate, it seems daunting as party time gets closer.

Am I Spending Too Much on Groceries?

Am I Spending Too Much on Groceries?

One of my #MoneyChat'ers asked if they were spending too much on groceries. Interesting and valid question. Outside of the fact that EVERYTHING is so expensive right now, starting with groceries, sometimes we can get too happy in those specialty food stores with the...

How To Use Your Tax Refund Wisely

How To Use Your Tax Refund Wisely

It seems like everyone spends money like crazy during tax season. People will buy 70 inch TV's, designer handbags, and even a brand new car. While it's okay to treat yourself, using your tax refund to buy a bunch of items you don't need, only to be broke again in a...

Best Budgeting App Review

Best Budgeting App Review

We’ve been hearing since last year that a recession is coming. Things seem good though. There are more jobs and people are spending money. Recession, smession! Well, recessions generally follow the good times. It’s that up and down roller coaster ride our economy is constantly on!

Top 3 Reasons To Be Debt Free

Top 3 Reasons To Be Debt Free

We’ve been hearing since last year that a recession is coming. Things seem good though. There are more jobs and people are spending money. Recession, smession! Well, recessions generally follow the good times. It’s that up and down roller coaster ride our economy is constantly on!

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